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The system of stopping unproductive work in our lives

 The system of stopping unproductive work in our lives

The system of stopping unproductive work in our lives

I saw some young people struggling in their work for years, and I previously spoke about consistency in work and interest, but I mentioned to you that if struggle does not produce a product, it is useless, and these young people struggle for years in foreign countries. They do not find a good result and continue their struggle without purpose or benefit. I decided to remind them of the law of life called (stopping unproductive work in our lives). My question to you, dear reader: Do you have work in your life that has no result or benefit? Start writing it down in the margin of the book you are reading now. Yes, write in blue pen in every space you find on this page about useless work that you are still doing. Then decide to stop doing it and devote all your efforts to productive work. You will find a great and noticeable development in your life. We are wasting away. Our time is in useless work, and they told me the story of a representative who works day and night for his customers, and most of his customers were of no benefit other than wasting time. So he decided to deal with the customers from whom he saw a product and left the rest. After a few days, he saw a big difference in profits and production, even in his rest time. His rest times have increased and his productions have increased, so why don’t you decide to stop unnecessary work and have no benefit to be expected from and continue with your life in complete calm and peace? Think and decide quickly and do not hesitate. From the book Life Skills by Ibrahim Al-Shamlan
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